Information placement
We have a QRCode with the lowest penalty score. We now only need to place the format and version information.
Format information

Format information is mandatory for a QRCode to be readable. It indicates the QRCode decoder what mask and quality is being used. It's always on 15 bits.
You can find the format information table format information table in the table section.

We need to place the format information (found in the table) in the following positions:
Where the number in the modules indicates the position of the bit in the format information.
Figure 19 — Format Information positioning
Source: QR Standard Figure 19
Version information

Version information is mandatory for a QRCode of version 7 or more to be readable. It indicated the QRCode decoder what version is being used. It's always on 18 bits.
You can find the version information table in the table section.

We need to place the version information (found in the table) in the following positions:
Where the number in the modules indicates the position of the bit in the version information.
Figure 20 — Version Information positioning
Source: QR Standard Figure 20

We finally have a QRCode that can be read by a QRCode reader! Good job!
Made with 🚀 by erwanvivien
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